On the Air:

The Trailer to our "Take This Job and Love it" with Sarah Swistak from WTAJ-TV10's  "Central PA Live".... November 1, 2013

"Take This Job and Love it" episode

This is a clip of ALL the times JABA has been on TV either taking the local news personalities on a paranormal investigation or being interviewed by the local news stations about our fund raisers. 
Rob Z (FM Hott 100 Altoona Pa) ghost hunt
Got Ghost in Blair County
Nov. 1, 2019, Baughman Cemetery TV10 Morgan Koziar
Alex  from WTAJ-TV10's Central PA Live's ghost hunting with us
10-31-18 Backseat Driver WTAJ-TV10  Central PA Live
JABA's first airing on Central PA Live         WTAJ-TV10 Altoona, PA

Doing an Interview for a
Penn State Altoona project

Due to how it was videoed, it is approximately 15 seconds after clicking start until anything appears on screen

Morgan from WTAJ-TV10 interviewing us about a fundraising ghost hunt at the Baker Mansion in Altoona, PA.
Morgan from WTAJ-TV10 doing a Halloween interview with me.